Monday, January 24, 2011

Show Luo’s First Chinese New Year Holiday in 7 Years

For the first time in 7 years, Show Luo will get to celebrate the Chinese New Year in private. He revealed to the media yesterday that he would be having a holiday from Chinese New Year’s Eve till the 5th day of the new year – 6 days in total. However, fans will still get to see him on television during the Chinese New Year period! Show Luo and other big Asian stars have already pre-recorded the “2011 Superstar Red and White Entertainment Awards – CNY Special”, due for broadcast on the 2nd of February. Other stars who participated include JJ Lin, Wilber Pan, David Tao, Fish Leong, Elva Hsiao, Thelma Aoyama, SHINee and After School.

At an endorsement event for Manhattan Portage, Show Luo cheerfully expressed that he intends to travel abroad with his mother during his 6-day holiday but has not decided where to go yet. He revealed that his mother only gave him vague ideas like “We could go to a tropical country to swim or a temperate country to ski.”

Source: Appledaily


Sunday, January 23, 2011

Bo Bee (保庇) featured on CNN; Taiwan's Lotus Wang Compared to Beyoncé?

41 year-old Lotus Wang (Wang Cai Hua, 王彩樺) released a studio album for the first time with completely unexpected results. With her cover of T-ara’s Bo Peep Bo Peep gaining over 1.6 million views on Youtube, she has now become quite a unique sensation worldwide. CNN recently reported on her Youtube music video hit and showed clips of many copycat versions posted on Youtube by people all over the world. The CNN program called Wang’s version of the song a “global hit” and even compared her to Beyoncé!

The original song was Bo Peep Bo Peep by Korean idol group T-ara. Lotus Wang’s version is titled Bo Bee – drawing amused reactions from many due to its highly similar title. However, interestingly Bo Bee means “God Blesses” in the Taiwanese language. The entire song is also sung not in Chinese but in the Taiwanese language.

Check out both Lotus Wang and T-ara’s version of this song below as well as the CNN report!


Ice Queen says a grand total of 10 words at Taipei Concert

Here are the numbers from Faye Wong’s Taipei Concert:
Total Number of Words Spoken: 10 (4 Thank Yous and 1 Hello)
Total Concert Run Time: 1 hour 50 minutes
Concert End Time: 9.40pm (New Record for Earliest Concert End Time at the Taipei Arena)
Total Number of Songs Sang: 23

These are numbers befitting the one and only ice queen in the Chinese Music Industry. Despite only saying 10 words to the audience throughout the 1 hour and 50 minutes, she captivated the entire audience with her pure voice and charisma, earning large cheers and screams from her fans and warming up the atmosphere at the Taipei Arena. At 9.40pm, without saying goodbye, she turned around and walked towards the big LED screen, lighted up with red roses - giving the impression that she was slowly walking into the sea of roses. Magician Liu Qian, who was in the audience, exclaimed, “It was too intense! I never ever imagined a concert to have such an ending! She’s really a goddess and diva.”

He was not the only celebrity at the concert. Celebrities like Jam Hsiao, Vanness Wu, A-mei, Tanya Chua, Na Ying, Dee Hsu, Vicki Zhao were also present and could not help but express their admiration for Faye Wong and their enjoyment from basking in the entire concert experience. Dee Hsu expressed on her weibo, “Truly the Heaven of all Heavens!” Vanness Wu also tweeted, “Faye Wong’s concert was awesome… she said maybe only 3 words to the crowd, no dancers, didn’t dance… just sang.”

Source: Appledaily,


Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Ricky Hsiao - Taiwan’s most established visually disabled singer - to release new album with Warner Music

Since entering the music industry 9 years ago, Ricky Hsiao Huang-Chi, though visually disabled, had always been producing and releasing his music independently. However, this afternoon, he officially signed with Warner Music and announced that he will be releasing his new album, Chords of Loneliness, on the 20th of January. This marks the first time that he will be releasing an album with a commercial record company.

It was also revealed that through his hard work, he has bought himself and his mother 3 houses altogether, demonstrating great financial ability despite the odds. He jokingly told reporters, “This is because I have money but nowhere to spend it on - this is one of the advantages of being visually disabled!”

He also revealed his desire to have a female owner to co-own these houses with. “My mother is worried that I would not be able to find a partner and keeps asking me to go on blind dates,” he divulged, adding that since he is visually disabled, the voice is the most important factor when it comes to describing his ideal woman. When prompted, he specifically named Amber Kuo and said that her pleasant voice gave him the feeling that she is girl with a sweet look and small frame. He further joked that, “My ideal woman's voice definitely can’t be like my senior, Tiger Huang’s! If I have to hear such a husky voice everyday I don’t think I’ll be able to live well,” revealing his close friendship with songstress Tiger Huang as well as his natural cheerful demeanor.

Do check out his classic, You Are My Eyes, below!

Source: Appledaily,, ifensi


Selina Leaves Hospital After 89 Days

Today marks the first day that Selina of popular female band S.H.E has appeared in public since the filming accident almost 3 months ago. 3 months ago, while filming "I Have A Date With Spring" in Shanghai, an explosion on set went off earlier than expected, leaving Selina and her co-star Yu Haoming seriously injured. Selina had 41% third-degree burns on her body and had an estimated death risk of 20%. Now, her condition is stable and her doctors have finally said yes to discharging her from the hospital.

At 2pm this afternoon, Selina, accompanied by her fellow S.H.E bandmates held a press conference at Chang Gung Hospital. Selina made the bold decision to hold a press conference immediately upon her discharge in order to prevent reporters from scurrying to snap photos of her leaving the hospital and also to personally thank her fans and loved ones for the support during this trying period.

Selina was highly emotional as she expressed, "I am finally going home." Selina's father also bowed deeply to all those present, thanking them for the unyielding support given to Selina. We wish Selina all the best and continue to pray for her recovery.



Monday, January 17, 2011

2011 Channel [V] Top 20 Awards - List of Winners and Songs

Best Album of the Year – Jay Chou, The Era (周杰伦, 跨时代)
Best Male Artist – Nicky Lee (李玖哲)
Best Female Artist – Jolin Tsai (蔡依林)
Most Popular Male Artist – Show Luo (罗志祥)
Most Popular Female Artist – Elva Hsiao (萧亚轩)
Best All-Round Entertainer – Rainie Yang (杨丞琳)
Best Male Singer-Songwriter – Kenji Wu (吴克群)
Best Female Singer-Songwriter – Lala Hsu (徐佳莹)
Best Music Group Award – Da Mouth (大嘴巴)
Recommended Singer of the Year – Amber Kuo (郭采洁)
Outstanding Performer – Tiger Huang (黄小琥)
Overseas Best Stage Presence Award – Son Dambi
Overseas Best Potential Idol Group Award – U-KISS
Best Newcomer of the Year – William Wei (韦礼安)

Top 20 Songs of the Year
1. SHE – Shero
2. Yao Yao – Honey
郭书瑶 - Honey
3. Danson Tang – I’m Back
唐禹哲 - I'm Back
4. William Wei – Because of Love
韦礼安 - 因为爱
5. Tiger Huang – Not That Simple
黄小琥 - 没那么简单
6. Kenji Wu – It’s Okay
吴克群 - 没关系
7. Nick Chou – Attached Heart
周汤豪 - 附心汉
8. Rainie Yang – Rain Love
杨丞琳 - 雨爱
9. Jing – The Opposite Me
张芸京 - 相反的我
10. Jolin Tsai – Honey Trap
蔡依林 - 美人计
11. Dance Flow – Charming and Dangerous
Dance Flow - 迷人的危险
12. Hebe – Lonely, Lonely is Fine
田馥甄 - 寂寞寂寞就好
13. Nicky Lee – The Last Day
李玖哲 - 最后的那一天
14. Da Mouth – Tongue
大嘴巴 - 喇舌
15. Jay Chou – Superman Can’t Fly
周杰伦 - 超人不会飞
16. By2 – Falling in Love with You
By2 - 爱上你
17. Show Luo – Love Doesn’t Travel Alone
罗志祥 - 爱不单行
18. Amber Kuo – Love & Love
郭采洁 - 爱不爱
19. Lala Hsu – Limits
徐佳莹 - 极限
20. Elva Hsiao – Miss Genuine
萧亚轩 - 潇洒小姐


Sunday, January 16, 2011

Jay Chou Becomes A Street Musician on Hollywood Boulevard

Jay Chou on Keyboard + Director Michel Gondry on Drums = new Hollywood Boulevard busking team. Yes, this event actually happened when Jimmy Kimmel Live decided to send Jay Chou out onto the streets with his keyboard to see what might happen. Check out what happened below!

Source: Appledaily


Show Luo’s New Album Release! Determined to sing acapella to show his improved vocal skills

Show Luo has resolved to prove himself wrong. In his 5th album “Show Your Dance”, released in 2007, he sang a song entitled “I Don’t Know How To Sing”. This time round, with the release of his new album on the 18th of February, he will seek to erase people’s memories of that song. To improve his vocal abilities,
he spent half a year studying under a vocal coach. He has now resolved to sing acapella to prove to his fans that his hard work has paid off and that “I Don't Know How To Sing”.

In every single one of his past albums, Show has always used a fast dance track as his title song – showing off his superior dance skills and stage charisma. This time round, his title track will be the ballad track entitled “What Am I Striving/Fighting For”.

This song struck a chord with him, causing him to cry so hard during the music video filming that the director had to shout NG 8 times in a row. He expressed, “Sometimes when I am at home alone after the end of a day’s work, I start to ask myself – What is it that I am fighting so hard for?” With this thought, the lyrics of the song seemed to express what I was going through in reality, making it difficult for me to control my emotions.

With such heartfelt determination in showing audiences an improved side of himself, we will be sure to look forward to the release of this new album!

Source: / Appledaily


Saturday, January 15, 2011

Cantopop God, Eason Chan’s Taipei Concerts

Eason Chan once again proves himself as the singer whom all other singers love to watch live. Having won Best Album of the Year twice in the Taiwan Golden Melody Awards and Best Male Singer once, he is well-known in the Taiwan music industry for his vocal prowess. This time, his two days sold-out garnered the support of many big names in the industry such asRainie Yang, Jaycee Chan, Machi, Harlem Yu, Tanya Chua, Energy’s Kunda, Sodagreen, Evonne Hsu, etc. Rainie Yang expressed that she was worried she might cry while listening to Eason singing as his previous concert in Taipei last year had reduced her to tears. Many of these artistes have also posted pictures of themselves attending the concert on their weibo with comments full of praise such as “It was a really great concert!” and “I will never get tired of listening to E God’s voice!”

Eason sang a total of 34 songs at his concert – 11 of them in Chinese and the rest in Cantonese. Not only did he perform songs by other singers such as Faye Wong and Jacky Cheung, he also paid tribute to Leslie Cheung and Anita Mui, saying that he wanted to keep their spirits alive through singing their songs.

Known to be quite a jokester, Eason told the audience that he can now be part of 183 Club (Taiwanese boyband) – not because he has a height of 183cm but because he now weighs 183 pounds. Adding on, he asked,“Do you guys want to see a hairless pig?” and proceeded to raise up his shirt and show his bare stomach to a laughing audience.

Check out the news clips and fancams of his concert below!

Source: / Appledaily


Friday, January 14, 2011

Jay Chou’s Song for The Green Hornet’s Ending Theme; Shows Cameron Diaz Magic Tricks

It is somewhat of a significant event in the Chinese music industry as Jay Chou’s music goes global with the premier of the Hollywood film, The Green Hornet. Chou’s self-composed song, Nunchucks (雙截棍), is what audiences around the world will hear as the ending credits roll up the big screen.

Nunchucks (雙截棍) is a song taken from Chou’s second studio album, “Fantasy” – entirely self-composed and released when he was just 22 years old. Since his debut, this song is a must-have on his set-list in all his large-scale live concerts, thus holding a significant place in his music career. Nunchucks is also Bruce Lee’s signature weapon, thus representing the determination and unyielding spirit of the Chinese.

Acting alongside big name Hollywood stars like Seth Rogen and Cameron Diaz meant that there was inevitable interaction despite the language barrier. In his interview with hyphen magazine, Chou revealed that he used his well-known love for magic tricks to break the ice and get closer to his co-star, Cameron Diaz. He said, “during breaks, I showed Cameron Diaz some magic tricks. With magic, you don’t need to talk, I feel like it’s very easy, like a universal language. These things can bring different people together quickly.”

The trailer does look exciting so be sure to check this movie out!

Source: /