Monday, January 24, 2011

Show Luo’s First Chinese New Year Holiday in 7 Years

For the first time in 7 years, Show Luo will get to celebrate the Chinese New Year in private. He revealed to the media yesterday that he would be having a holiday from Chinese New Year’s Eve till the 5th day of the new year – 6 days in total. However, fans will still get to see him on television during the Chinese New Year period! Show Luo and other big Asian stars have already pre-recorded the “2011 Superstar Red and White Entertainment Awards – CNY Special”, due for broadcast on the 2nd of February. Other stars who participated include JJ Lin, Wilber Pan, David Tao, Fish Leong, Elva Hsiao, Thelma Aoyama, SHINee and After School.

At an endorsement event for Manhattan Portage, Show Luo cheerfully expressed that he intends to travel abroad with his mother during his 6-day holiday but has not decided where to go yet. He revealed that his mother only gave him vague ideas like “We could go to a tropical country to swim or a temperate country to ski.”

Source: Appledaily